HomeEditor’s Pick (Page 10)
Editor’s Pick
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First Responders on Emergency Calls Arrive Faster and Safer with More Than 4.3 Million Green Lights Provided by Applied Information’s Glance Preemption System in 2024
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Otto Car Reports a Cut in CO2 Emissions of 50,000 Tonnes Using Samsara
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Huawei will launch full set of commercial 5.5G network equipment in 2024, using new technologies like passive IoT
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Omdia predicts explosive growth for 5G RedCap connections set to reach almost 1 billion by 2030
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Don’t Brush Off the Toothbrush Story: Connected Device Security is A Major Concern
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The pros and cons of AI and IoT
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Edge Computing – Secret Weapon in Real-Time IoT Device Management
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Qualcomm and Sequans Reach Agreement on Sale of 4G IoT Technology
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